Thursday, September 08, 2005

On craigslist, men are offering their homes to single NOLA women.

11 Tips to surviving a day job with your creativity intact
By Jori Lynn Keyser

There’s no doubt about it — maintaining a day job while all your instincts are roaring in another direction is one of the toughest things a creative soul can endure. If you’re keeping body and soul together for hourly wages and then find yourself too tired or distracted or frustrated to be creative after work, you’re not alone. It’s sometimes a superhuman challenge to sustain creative energy so that the switch to art or writing is as easy as possible once you get home.

Here are a few of the many things you can do to stay connected to your inner creative thread when circumstances make it impossible for you to be in your studio or at your writing desk.

We are the Children of the Multiprismed Light and we are here for you.

The founder of this family, Master Tony Ferrari, is the Earth's representative in an organization called the Light of the Giant Moth. According to the stories of the fathers, the center of the Moon is inhabited. The Moonmonsters were originally men, inhabitants of Ancient Nasquat413G on Earth.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Can't afford to donate money to hep hurricane Katrina victims? I found the following information on the craigslist katrina discussion board :

Clothing donations are being accepted, but they must be directed to a shelter where there is a specific need. Following is a list of addresses (mostly in Houston, where evacuees have gone) and you can ship your clothing, toiletries, and bedding donations here:

Katrina Relief Aid
C/O Abbeville Police Department
304 S. State Street
Abbeville, LA 70510

Marksville City Hall
Attn: Myron Gagnard/Hurricane Relief Coordinator
427 N. Washington Street
Marksville, LA 71351

Salvation Army
1500 Austin
Houston, TX 77002

Buckner Children & Family Services
3402 Daniel McCall Drive #21,
Lufkin, TX 75904.

Memorial Baptist Church
600 W. Sterling
Baytown, TX 77520

Spring Tabernacle (Full/ capacity 200)
3034 FM 2920
Spring, TX 77338

MAP International
Hurricane Relief
PO Box 215000
Brunswick, GA 31525

Caring Hands
327 N. Main Street
Jennings, LA 70546

St. Vincent DePaul locations for Evacuees Housed in Texas:

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
6800 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, TX 77007

St. Matthias Catholic Church
302 S. Magnolia Rd., Magnolia, TX 77355

St. John Fisher Catholic Church
410 Clay Street, Richmond, TX 77469

Sacred Heart - Galveston
1302 Broadway Street, Galveston, TX 77550

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
4600 Reed Rd., Houston, TX 77051

Goodwill Houston
5200 Jensen Drive
Houston, TX 77026

STAR OF HOPE Donor drop off locations:

Star of Hope Storehouse
1811 Ruiz St .
Houston , Texas

Central Bank, Clay Location
11201 Clay Road
Houston , TX 77041

The New Mexico Human Services Department is coordinating donations of other goods and services. Call (866) 638-6819

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Here is a link to the weblog, where victims can relate their experiences and friends and family members can ask for assistance finding those still missing.

It's been a horrifying, sad, disgusting week. My heart goes out to those affected by the tragedy after the hurricane. Please donate to your preferred charity.

Take a break from the grief now and check out some links below.

In this video CNN's Anderson Cooper abandoned the old persona to throttle Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., in a live interview.

Remember the good old days when Modern Style ruled? Well, it does again!

The items below date from 1948 to this year's Fall line. You decide. Is it Mod or Retro?

Tony! Toni! Tone! (a scientific theory)

"I have this incredibly scientific theory that all people named "Tony" are douchebags. I began developing my revolutionary hypothesis years ago, in grade school, when this acne-festering trashcan named Tony Dinelli sucker-punched me in the face in the middle of the cafeteria. Ever since, I've quietly suspected that everyone in the world named Tony is a complete douche. Over ten years later, I have yet to be proven wrong, and have now decided to finally go public with my findings, which you will find (heh) below."

This is a genuine recording done by Troy G for his girlfriend Melissa as a present for their 6th month anniversary. Troy's Mix Tape of Love

This site celebrates unusual labels and amusing names that we are increasingly finding on our wine shelves.

Fascinating video: Octopus vs Shark