Friday, April 25, 2003
"Sup ladies. Freestyle walking? What is it? I can only think of one word that sums it up: freakin intense. "
Happy Friday with the depression art gallery.
"I like to write stories about Roy Orbison being wrapped up in cling-film. If you have written any stories about Roy being completely wrapped in clingfilm please send them to me and I may put them up on the site."
Thursday, April 24, 2003
"The general distaste and antipathy that follows the public life of Keanu Reeves is nothing new. However, few of the people who have opinions on the young man, in favor or against, realize the truth: that Keanu Reeves is the manifestation of evil on Earth, the Anti-Christ."
the keanu report
"For some, the sense of adventure keeps them on the road and living in their vehicle. For others, it's a way of saving money or recovering from a bad situation. Everyone has their own reason, their own location, and their own way of making the experience the best it can be. And there are many benefits."
To buy certain items you have to sound old enough.
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
"Girls, are you tired of spending your evening staring at your mobile, waiting for a man to call?
Guys, does your girlfriend wait up all night whilst you're out with the lads, waiting for you to call her?
Well no longer, help is at hand! The Purring Kitty transforms Nokia mobile phones into discrete, vibrating massagers."
"We're not like other tobacco companies that try to obscure what their business is about. If you market cigarettes, you market death. It's that simple. In a country which effectively allows corporations to be formed without regard to their purpose, corporations are allowed to kill people to make money. Addiction to cigarettes may be lethal, but profiting from spreading death is perfectly legal."
Licenced to Kill Tobacco Company
Tuesday, April 22, 2003

French Guard
I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!
What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
"Days after Madonna took a sharp swipe at music file-sharers, the singer's web site was hacked Saturday (4/19) by an electronic interloper who posted MP3 files of every song from "American Life," the controversial performer's new album, which will be officially released Tuesday."
from The Smoking Gun
Home Phone Numbers in Google
For those of you with privacy concerns.....
Take a look at this note - if you go to and type in your telephone number, it will actually pull up map searches to provide directions to your house. There is a way to have your number removed. Go to . Then type in your phone number (no hyphens or spaces or 1 required) and click on Google Search. If your phone number is listed, it will show your name and address and give you two map options, Yahoo and MapQuest. See how accurate the map is to your home. VERY SCARY!!! Any person wishing to discover the physical location of a phone number, be it a home or business address, could use this feature to locate a physical street address, and receive directions on how to get there from anywhere in the country. Google has made available an option that will allow anyone to REMOVE their telephone number from the database that is linked to the mapping feature.
You will first need to check if your number is listed in this manner by attempting a search-entering your full telephone number. If the number appears in the mapping database, an icon resembling a telephone will appear next to the first or second entry on the results page. Clicking on this icon will take you to a page containing a description of the service, and a link to request your number be removed from the database.
So far, unlisted numbers and cell phone numbers do not show up. Happy searching!
Monday, April 21, 2003
The Computers that Said No to Drugs
The Lo Fi Mixtape Network allows you to listen to some mixes