Saturday, December 21, 2002

shimmer by
in the sky

you undertand me
better than...
my fam-il-y.

Let us lay together
You and I
Maybe you can help
me find...
a true love.

-Ke-Ri Hanson (part of the mystery)

A balancing game with levers.

slapping himself in the face

Friday, December 20, 2002

The Combovers Experience

"Gentelmen, don't worry about this!"

Cute site

top 10 weird stories of 2002

"Japanese have long taken pride in their ability to adopt, adapt and improve on customs, practices and styles from other countries.
Having succeeded globally with cars, electronics and even fashion, it was only natural the Japanese turned their hand to trying to surpass the West with one of its favorite culinary delights -
ice cream."

The Church of Michael Bolton of Latter-Day Saints

build yourmama


boobie scarves

Thursday, December 19, 2002

"Bombadil aka B-dil aka MC First and Fatherless has been dropping hobbit
rhymes since naught but ents roamed the hills of middle-earth. That's right:
sucker MCs, wargs and wildmen beware... Ol' Tom's older than your mama's
mama's mama and he's got the song for you and yours. Wanna battle B-dil?
Now that's strange behavior. Dil resides in his crib in the Old Forest,
getting his freak on with Goldberry, the finest river daughter west of
Misty Mountains. His rhymes are renowned in all great books of yore."

Lords of the Rhymes

luxury low rider

monalisa face fun

Jimmy Fallon can sing any 80s song to the tune of Hammertime

nipple-headed babies

Back by popular demand.... A BIBLE WITH A JESUS SIGNATURE!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

The Illustrated Beowulf
by Jake Wentworth

President Bill Clinton
Danish Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen and Pope John Paul II
Cookie Monster
Michelle Pfeiffer
Boris Yeltsin
Hillary Clinton
The A-Team
David Letterman

"The idea behind Busy Marquee is very simple and yet very immature: find signs that have interchangeable letters, bring your Scrabble skills, and rearrange omnipresent advertising to form Dadaist bits of landscape."

Christmas with Chewbacca.


The Oracle of Elvis. See how many steps between Elvis and any actor.

drunk signing

just because...

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

What do your coworkers call you behind your back?

christmas winking jeff and his driving kittens

anonymous message server

"You probably have family and friends that you have witnessed to and they just won't listen. After the rapture they probably will, but who will tell them?

We have written a computer program to do just that. It will send an Electronic Message (e-mail) to whomever you want after the rapture has taken place, and you and I have been taken to heaven."

Monday, December 16, 2002 for all your song quote needs

sweet site

I have two dogs

Sunday, December 15, 2002

Take the Affliction Test Today!

face fun

cute game from I like to sing along...

"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"

dirty baby

