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Wednesday, April 09, 2003

"American Pride Pore Cleanser - Real Americans don't tolerate facial blemishes, which is why you can't possibly live a productive life without owning our incredible All-American Rechargeable Pore Cleanser. Suck terrorist blackheads right off your face and make your skin safe for democracy! - $99.95"
Art for nightmares.
"The short-list was culled from almost 5,000 nominations from 40 countries competing for the world's most egregious, annoying, inexplicable, intrusive and counter productive security measures."
Privacy International exposes stupid security.
"A few of the scenes and subplots in Chicago are indeed tender and touching, but many are not. There is graphic gunfire murder [Rev. 22:15, Rev. 21:8], adulterous intercourse but with no nudity [1Cor. 7:2], very revealing dress, a hanging, and vulgar dance moves much like the ones that cost John the Baptist his head. There is much more to concern parents and grandparents. Please look to the listing in the Findings/Scoring section. It is completely objective to His Word. "
Christian Movie Reviews!!
(thanks, Laurel)
What is an Art*o*mat?
Art*o*mat machines are retired cigarette vending machines that
have been converted to vend art. Currently, there are 43 active machines
in museums and various locations throughout the country.
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Not depressed enough? Check out the Decline of Civilization.
wecomeinpeace is an old favorite. This might be a repost.
"You must say the word "Shotgun" to stake your claim on Shotgun. This must be done clearly and loud enough so that at least one other to-be occupant of the vehicle can hear you. No variations of this word are acceptable. After you have rightfully called Shotgun, you have exclusive rights to Shotgun for that ride. However, if no one hears you call Shotgun it is still fair game for everyone."
Learn all the rules for everything at