Thursday, December 12, 2002

Hair on your hands a problem? helps you stop masturbating with Jesus

best inventions 2002

enter your name and press euh?

insultingly stupid movie physics

How well do you pick noses?

"Welcome. On this site you will see revenge pictures, revenge stories and how people get revenge when they have been dumped or cheated on. Why not dump someone over the web? It couldn't be easier just click on Submit Story. Your details will never be revealed." URDumped

Location Earth Dog Tags

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

The Irreverent Guide to Barbra Streisand

idiom origins

Anyone seen this foppish dandy around?

balloon travel... reminds me of a favorite childhood movie "The Red Balloon"


Pearl Game

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Star Wars photoshop project

Dionne Warwick's cosmic peephole.

How to be soopa famous


Museum of Hoaxes

Monday, December 09, 2002

techinical difficulties

Spot the differences at FindIt2. Not as easy as Highlights Magazine.

Type in your name and press GO

Life Wast-O-Rama Quiz

stupid human noises. my favorite is the ramblin' idiot

A plague of HAPPINESS

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Glad I took speed reading in high school: ORIENT

!!!huggyjesus!!! dreamy flash interactive animation. My favorite is the green.

Xmas saber gone wrong.

Don't play this bunny game after too much coffee.

interesting art and design

stick man adventures

I'm sure everyone's already seen the site about how ninjas rule, but it's worth revisiting. It still makes me laugh.

porn pixel art (naughty! not work safe)